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出版的作者,社会是公平的补偿、言论自由和版权的保护,提供健康保险、合同评审和web服务的倡导者和发布季报。Society of published authors, is an advocate for fair compensation, free speech, and copyright protection, offers health insurance, contract reviews and web services, and publishes a quarterly bulletin.内容提要:The Authors Guild supports working authors, advocates for authors’ rights, and provides a community for our members...
信息名称: 作者协会-作者协会
信息栏目: 信息简介 网站链接
网址链接: authorsguild.org
收录查询: [百度收录] [360收录] [搜狗收录] [必应收录]
网页版本: 手机版 电脑版